Monday, January 29, 2007

Under Construction

OK, so I upgraded to the new version of Blogger a while back, but left many things the same in the actual look of the blog, because I'd put a lot of work into tweaking my template the way I wanted it.
Well, I've finally bitten the bullet and changed to one of the new Blogger templates. I miss my old Gecko and Fly template, but this one will allow for a lot more tweaking, and I finally get to use the title banner I made a while back. (Hurray!)
So I apologize for the mess; I should have all my links back up soon, as well as more improvements in functionality, as well as the overall look of blog.

Please feel free to leave feedback on the redesign; I'm open to hints and tips about hacking and customizing as well.

1 comment:

Combatscoot said...

Looks awful darn familiar...
but good. Growth and change is mostly a good thing. Good luck.