Friday, November 09, 2007

New Life in New England

So, I realize that I haven't said much about the Dragon's new environs. Since I spend much of my life with my feet firmly planted in my slobbery maw, I haven't wanted to go off half-cocked. As a dyed-in-the-denim westerner, I'm still getting my bearings amongst the yankees.
I have been doing some scooting, and am rapidly moving from the phase of familiarizing myself with winding, hilly, country roads, to enjoying the heck outta the adventures they promise. Cliches such as quaint and picturesque spring readily to mind in this setting. While I have been really tempted to do some Scooter in the Sticks style photo documentation, I'm still a little overwhelmed with all the potential photo-ops. As you can see above, though, Quell does look right at home in the Autumnal landscape, especially with the ubiquitous stone walls we have out here. I swear those walls make every landscape look like Hobbiton.
I have been working part-time at Branchville Motors, a local dealer in Vespas, Piaggios, Triumphs, and Moto-Guzzis. If you couldn't have guessed, this is like a dream-job for me. As a bonus to being surrounded by magnificient examples of two-wheeled engineering, the shop has the best selection of cycling gear I've ever seen.
Quell has finally passed the 800 mile engine-break-in period, and is performing better than ever. He also has the benefit of his own stable which you can see in the background of this photo.

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