Besides, just look at this cutie! I know drag queens who would kill for those lashes.
Amongst the overwhelming flood baby shower gifts, and even enough hand-me-downs to cloth an Appalachian village of infants and toddlers, was a 10 mega pixel DSLR.
One of the other productive things I've been doing, is working on an actual website for my artwork and photography and such. It's still a little barebones, but there is a gallery of baby photos. All the other galleries are public, but I've decided to require a password for access to the baby photos. I mass emailed a bunch of folks with the password, but if I neglected to send it to you, or it got caught in your spam filter, let me know and I'll send it to you.
I just figured only friends and family needed access to a soon to be vast archive of baby photos. Plus, my buddy Sky caught some flack for posting an innocent photo of his twins naked in their wading pool, a while back.... and well, I guess a little online paranoia is not a bad thing.
So while is not fully functional at this time, there are some cool pictures up over there, mostly things I've posted here in the past, but collected all in one place. And there is more to come, of course. And if you have the misfortune to be one of the dragon's friends or family, and want to bask in the glory that is little miss Zoe, drop me a line, and I'll get you the access info.
The nice thing about being a blog author and publisher is that you can do whatever you want.
Some of the best times I have had with friends in the distant past was going over to their house to look at slides of kids and vacations.
Does anyone do that anymore?
Cute spawn by the way!
Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks
Bloody hell man!
She has your pupils!!!!!!!!
Absolutely Beautiful.
Congratulations Armstrong Family
So. Freaking. Beautiful.
But, I might have known. I miss you around Oly, and am glad to hear that parenthood is treating you well. I send mad mad mad mad love to you and Jes and Zoe.
Big fat CONGRATULATIONS! Whoduthunk a baby dragon would be so precious!?
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